Donations and supporters

As a non-profit organization, the foundation does not work for profit, but for the benefit of the community. Therefore it is dependent on financial support. As a friend and patron interested in music you can support the projects of the foundation. Private individuals and companies are equally welcome.


The possibilities for supporting the foundation range from a one-time donation to co-financing individual events and projects as well as regular support promoting young talents by awarding scholarships.

We would be pleased to inform you about our projects and invite you to engage with other music lovers at our concerts. You can easily become a sponsor of the "String Trio in our time". 


Donations and endowments allow tax deductions. We will of course issue you with a donation receipt. Therefore we ask you to fill in your address on the transfer form clearly and legibly.


Our donations account:


IBAN: DE70 7008 0000 0790 1380 00